Monday, June 8, 2009

St Thomas yesterday

We had a great time in St Thomas. We flip flopped from doing a tour to swimming at the beach to shopping prior to docking and ended up deciding to shop since Grand Turk (we are headed there today) would be a beach day for sure.

The views heading into St Thomas were amazing and the scenery throughout the island was even more spectacular.

We took a quick open air taxi to the shopping area where we went to Del Sol (colour change clothing) as well as a upscale bamboo clothing store, Footlocker from some Nike shoes for Adam and a few little local shops as well. By then we decided we wanted to check out the beaches although we did not have time to head back to the ship to get swimwear or to get the other side of the island to see Coki Beach which I hear is beautiful. We found a very cool taxi driver known as Big Mac that took us up around the hills for an island tour with a stop at a breathtaking lookout. Adam loved the crazy driving winding up and around the hills and giggled the entire drive. Big Mac dropped us off at Magens Bay where Jeff finally got to have his swim in the ocean. Adam liked touching the tree bark and I stood along the shore to cool off (too bad I did not have my bathing suit). We had the same driver back to the ship and Adam once again loved the ride.

More shopping before boarding the ship.

After dinner we headed to the big screen for Movies Under The Stars where they were showing the NBA Finals. Adam did not last too long but Jeff got to see the Lakers win - booooooooooo.

We have some great crew members looking after us.

Giuseppe - The Maitre D has made sure all of our meals are excellent and that we are getting enough vegetarian options and that Adam has a continous supply of soy milk in our room.

Lavinia and Gjorgi - Our dining room servers are top notch and great fun to talk with. They are so attentive to our likes and dislikes and make sure Adam gets whatever he needs. I am really going to miss them when the cruise is over.

Carmen - The Room Steward is such a bubbly energetic lady that calls me Miss Lisa and loves to say hello to Adam she makes sure our room is spotless and gets us everything we need.

I forgot to mention before that Barb and I did a ceramics session a couple of days ago out on the deck by the pool. I am very excited to get my piece back (a bowl) once it is fired to see how it turned out. I think maybe I will try my luck at BINGO the last day at sea (no laughing I think it will be fun even for someone younger like me plus I am sure I will win - well hopefully).

Today we are headed to Grand Turk where the Capital City of Turks and Caicos is: Cockburn Town. Here we will spend out time on the beach and checking out Jimmy Buffetts Margaritaville. The island has a lighthouse (most of you know I am a huge fan of lighthouses and collector of all things lighthouse) at the other end from where we are docking so I do not think I will get to see it. Maybe on our next cruise - yes I am already thinking about another cruise.

Ok bye for now and thanks for checking in.


  1. Everything sounds awesome, but, where are the pictures - lol.

  2. Yay! Your hooked! I knew you would be. I am really happy that Adam's having such a great time. It sucks you couldn't swim. We always pack our swim wear - just in case... Can't wait to see your Turks pics!

  3. Haha - Cockburn town ... that's hilarious!!! It sounds like you're having so much fun ... it makes me wanna plan a cruise!!! Thanks for the updates!!

